How Ajax works?
Simple process to call Ajax Request –
Generally, To perform an Ajax request to Server and
get back some response as result from server , we have to follow some steps –
- Suppose some action need to perform on an click event of button or link or on pageload or onchange or blur event of form’s elements of page .
- Events calls a user defined JavaScript or jquery method to perform ajax operation and it sends the Http request via URL to server using Ajax Object .We can also pass the parameters to server with URL query string.
- Server receives the parameter from ajax or Http request and process the request by executing the mentioned action (Servlet or jsp ).After execution, server prepares the response data to return as HTTP response Object against ajax request if required .
- Server post back or sends the produced result as HttpResponse data to Client or Webpage from where request arrived .
- Now , Calling method receives the response data in the form of XMLHttpResponse object from server, then after some manipulation if required , updates the webpage by displaying the response data on webpage .
The XMLHttpRequest
Object – The heart of Ajax is the XMLHttpRequest object . The XMLHttpRequest object is nothing but a Javascript
object XMLHttpRequest object which is responsible for the Ajax Operation .As we know
Ajax is client side scripting , it totally depends upon browser . If We say
browser doesn’t support Ajax , it means
browser doesn’t able to create the XMMHttpObject or Ajax Object .
All modern browsers (IE7 and above, Firefox,
Chrome, Safari, and Opera etc.) have a built-in XMLHttpRequest object.
If we are using IE 5 or IE6, then ActiveXObject will be used
for server communication to send ajax requests.
To create
an instance of XMLHttpRequest, simply do this:
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); //
For all modern browsers
Old versions of Internet Explorer (IE5 and IE6) uses an
ActiveX Object .So for them we need to create ActiveX Object like
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); // For IE5 and IE6 browsers
We need to write code as if the browser supports the XMLHttpRequest
object then create an XMLHttpRequest object, if not then create an
Like in below code ,
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
//if the browser is IE7 and above or Firefox or Chrome or Opera or Safari etc.
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
// if the browser is IE6, IE5
xmlhttp = new
In above code , we
check that whether browser supports Ajax or XMLHttpRequest object or not .if
supports then xmlhttp will be instance of XMLHttpRequest and if doesnot support then xmlhttp will be
instance of ActiveXObject .
How to send a request to a server ?
To send request and set
request parameter, we mostly use the open() and send() methods of the
XMLHttpRequest object.
open( form method type,
URL, asynchronous/ synchronous) -XMLHttpRequest
object must be initialized through the open method .see the
code -"GET","checkEmail.jsp",true);
This method has three
parameters . 1st one specifies the type of form method request
(GET, POST etc.), 2nd one
specifies the URL of server , and 3rd
one which is either true or false , specifies
whether the request should be handled asynchronously
or synchronously. In short, true means asynchronous request and false means
synchronous. The last parameter is by default asynchronous i.e, true and this parameter is optional .
For example,"GET","checkEmail.jsp);
This is also valid
because browser by default set the 3rd parameter as true i.e.,
asynchronous .
The meaning of asynchronous and synchronous is
already defined in earlier pages.
We can also pass the
query string or request parameter to server in url as"POST","checkEmail.jsp?user=manoj&code=MG",true);
note – must
remember that in case of “GET” , response may get cached result. So,
better to use POST instead of GET specially for database related operation .
The onreadystatechange property
XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange Returns a EventHandler that is called whenever the readyState attribute of XMLHttpRequest
object changes .
In another word we can say that XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange stores the result of a function /event(or the name of a
function) to be called automatically each time the readyState property changes
The XMLHttpRequest.readyState property holds the
current state the XMLHttpRequest object is in which state i.e, whether request
is in process state or completed state etc. When we send a request to a server, we may need to
perform some actions based on the response.
For example , when a request is processing, then busy or
loading image will be displayed in updatable section .
Three main properties of XMLHttpRequest object .
1) readystate - The readyState property always defines
the current state the
status of the XMLHttpRequest object.
See the readystate property’s Code and description –
The request is
not initialized or Unsent to the server .
Client -server
connection has established But send() has not been called yet.
/ request received
Request has been received by server .send() has been called,
and headers and status are available .
Request processing has been started .
Request processing is complete and response is ready .
For example ,
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4)
//some task
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4)
//some task
2) status - When request is completed and response
is ready then returns the status as a number .
See the XMLHttpRequest .status statusText property’s Code and description –
When request
is completed and response is ready then status will be 200
When page not
found then status will be 404
Returns the
status as a number (e.g., 404 for "Not Found" and 200 for
For example ,
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
//some task
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
//some task
3) statusText-
request is completed and response is ready then returns the status as a
text/string (e.g., "Not Found" or
How to receive the response from a server against Ajax
Server can sends the
response in the form of text, arrayBuffer,blob,document,json etc . in most of the
cases,we get Response as text or XML or json. string is the default response type .
To receive the
resultant response from a server, responseText or responseXML property of the
XMLHttpRequest object is used.
responseText - To receive the response from server in the form of string/text .
For Example –
var result = xmlhttp.responseText;
responseXML – To
receive the response from server in the
form of XML .
For Example –
var xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML;
If the response from the server is XML, and
you want to parse it as an XML object.
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